Ezekiel David Rosier was born on December 11, 2008 at 17:35.  He weighed about 7.25 lbs and is about 49cm long.  He is a healthy baby who is very calm.  He really likes to sleep, and doesn’t fuss about too many things.  We are proud parents and very thankful to God for His wonderful gift that He has given us.

Ezekiel in the womb
Ezekiel in the womb

Now Ezekiel is 1 year 4 months old.  He is a fun kid with a great personality.  Even though he is very intense he is also very loving.  He only says  a couple of words, Up and No.  Pray for us that we would be able to raise him into the man of God he is meant to be.

Z Having Fun

Ezekiel is now 2.5 years old.  He is in those terrible 2’s.  He loves to be the boss.  He is full of energy, loves to play any kind of sport, and loves pixar cartoons.  He is now adapting to his new baby brother Esteban.

Ezekiel 2.5 years old

Ezekiel 2.5 years old

Ezekiel almost 3years in pre-school uniform

Now for Baby Esteban.  He was born on May 28, 2011 at around 5am Argentina time.  He weighed just over 8lbs. He was a quick delivery.  He was born as Jess’ water broke while beeing wheeled into the delivery room. With the water breaking out came Esteban.  Everyone is okay and healthy.  Thank God for another fast delivery.

Baby Esteban all wrapped up and warm

Baby Esteban is developing a very cute personality.  He is a happy boy and an easy baby.

Baby Esteban 6 months

Baby Esteban 6 months

Baby Esteban 6 months