You are currently browsing the monthly archive for April 2010.

To all our incredible friends and family,

The last month has been flying by.  Even though it has been a busy month, it has been an exciting one.  Here are a few key events that have been going on.

In Saenz Pena we have been seeing constant growth.  Every week there are new visitors, and they usually stick.  The church is 40 people strong right now and we are excited about the plans for growth and outreach that the Lord is giving us.  Also, in this last month we have had a couple of key visiting ministers.  One being a young couple, Marcos and Sandra.  Sandra is from Argentina and Marcos is from Brazil.  The exciting part about their visit is that they came to announce their commitment to come and work with us in the church planting ministry.  Marcos is a gifted worship leader with a huge pastors heart and Sandra is an excellent teacher with incredible administrative abilities.  They will be moving here from Brazil in August.  We are very excited about this move, because we have been working at it alone for the last 3 years.  It will  be great to have a team of friends on board who bring in spiritual strength where we need it most.  Please pray that their transition goes smoothly and that God will provide abundantly for all their needs.  The other visiting minister is Pastor Phil Harris from City Harvest Church.  We had a great time as he brought in ministry wisdom, fresh word for the people, and prophetic ministry to individuals who were deeply touched by the words given.  We thank our visiting ministers with all our heart for the investment given to God’s people.

In Samuhu we have seen the ministry team grow immensely in the last month.  There are now 7 people on the team there and they are all working together in harmony and are seeing God do great things through them.  The youth leaders are organizing special outreaches and are seeing young people touched by the word and presence of God.  Luis and Ruben, two men who are sharing the main responsibilities to preach, teach and lead the church, recently went out to visit some men in the town.  They talked with one man named Donato and shared the gospel with him.  This man was going through a real tough time with his family so the word of God came to him just in time.  He gave his heart to the Lord and has been coming to church hungry to know more of God.   Continue to pray for Samuhu as they are taking huge steps towards being a church that will not be dependent on our leadership or presence to stay healthy and grow.

We want to thank you all for your faithful support in every way.  We absolutely could not do this without your help.  God bless you all.

Anthony and Jessica Rosier

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The Vision

There is a great need for healthy live giving churches that truly evangelize and disciple. We have planted a base church in Saenz Pena, Chaco through which we believe the Lord will send out 10 CHURCHES IN 10 YEARS.


If you would like to give to this church planting ministry you can send a check with a note attached saying, 'Rosier Mission' to

City Harvest Church 8100 NW 9th Ave. Vancouver, WA 98665.

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Online Donations

You can give online through the City Harvest Church website. On the welcome page click on give. You will have to get a user name and password. Select give to Missions, and in the optional memo line write Anthony and Jessica Rosier. Set up a scheduled gift if that works best for you.
April 2010